Fitness during the Holidays
How did you train during Thanksgiving? How will you exercise during X-mas? Here is an excerpt from Adam Bornstein’s post, Holidays and Fitness:
A healthy life is one that doesn’t restrict or prevent you from being a part of the aspects of life that you enjoy most. Now, some of those behaviors might need moderation. Whether it’s drinking, cursing, or eating, you need control and you’ll need to make sacrifices. But there is a time and a place for everything. And I’m a firm believer that any plan that is too strict for you to “cheat” a little on Thanksgiving—or any holiday, is probably the wrong program. (Of course, if you have a health condition this is a different story.)
Make time for the holidays and make celebrating those days a priority, in the same way that you prioritize your body and fitness.
(, November 21, 2012.)
On a related post, here some points from Jim Smith’s post, What I’ve Learned from Arnold:
If you want to make the most out of your 24 hours, then look no further than Arnold’s 6 Secrets to Success. These 6 secrets will change how you live your life and give you direction. If you choose to believe that they are too hard, or that they’ll never work, then they won’t. Forget Nightingale’s strangest secret, there is NO secret. If you’re not willing to work hard, then you don’t deserve to be successful. Stop looking for a hand out and start looking for the work that defines your life and your passion.
(, August 20, 2012.)